Go to the web site at clinicstore.es
Once you see the page, you need to register there by the button “Crear cuenta”
The fields mentioned here should be filled up: “Nombre” – name, “Apellidos” – surname; “Nombre de
usuario” – user name (except from the usage of the symbols); “Direccioón de correo electroónico” –
email address.
In the mentioned address, you will receive an email confirming your registration, “Coódico de cliínica” – passcode of the clinic, which is provided by the doctor during your visits there.
At the end, you need to thick, by certifying that you are aware of the rules and regulations of the web and accept them.
The final stage is the button “Crear nueva cuenta”.
Enter into your email, which you mentioned while registering. If you find no letter in the pending and / or inbox folders, you have to look at JUNKS. Enter into the new email that you received from the WEB and enter through the first link, thus certifying your registration at clinicstore.es.
A new page is opened now for you, where you need to change the password and put yours. With this password you will enter into your account. For this purpose, in the field “Contraceña” write your password and repeat it in the other filed under the name “Confirmar contrasenña”. The field “Códico del paciente” leave empty, there is no need to fill it up. After, have to tick , that you are aware of the rules of the web and press “Guardar y acceder como …” as to save your data.
Move to the online shop by pushing the button “Tienda”.
Select the product that the doctor has prescribed for you.
In the profile of the product select the required quantity of the product; transfer the product into the BASKET, by the button “Agregar a la cesta”.
You may move into the BASKET by the upper menu, and here approve your purchase, by the button
“Tramitar compra”
Fill in the field delivery address. This should be the address, where you want to receive your goods.
Afterwards, fill the payment details.
After, pay your orden. Confirmation of your purchase you will receive in your email. Your goods will reach you You may move into the BASKET by the upper menu, and here approve your purchase, by the button “Tramitar compra”within 3 days.