Effective treatment of hyperhidrosis

In anticipation of the hot summer in Spain, this information will be useful to both men and women. After all, many people face the problem of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), regardless of gender, and status. ⠀ Hyperhidrosis is abnormally excessive sweating, that’s not necessary related to exercice or heat. This type of heavy sweeting can cause social … Read moreEffective treatment of hyperhidrosis

Peeling treatments at the Mona Lisa Clinic

Пилинги В Clinica Mona Lisa Одна из полезных процедур для вашей кожи – это конечно же пилинг. В переводе с английского peel – отшелушивать, очищать. Правильное очищение кожи – залог ее здоровья, сияния и красоты. Ключевое слово – «правильное»! Давайте разберемся вместе, какие бывают пилинги и почему их НЕ стоит делать в домашних условиях. Чем … Read morePeeling treatments at the Mona Lisa Clinic

What is bruxism and how it can be treated?

Bruxism or “teeth clenching” is often caused by the considerable stress of modern life, also known as “businessman” disease and this is why the problem becomes ever more common. By some estimates, it affects 1 person in 10. Usually, it manifests as very strong tension of the patient’s masticatory muscles, of which the patient may … Read moreWhat is bruxism and how it can be treated?